Monday, August 13, 2012

#6 There's Always a Way

Happy Feet 2 is an animated movie with penguins as the main characters voiced over by famous actors.

The penguins Mumble and Gloria, the main characters from the first movie, had a son named Erik. Erik was trying hard to discover his talents because as everyone noticed, he was far different from the others. The Emperor Land was so peaceful and the Emperor penguins were cheerful, not until a big trouble hit their area. All the penguins in the Emperor Land were trapped below the walls of the large iceberg, except for Mumble, Erik and his bestfriends. After discovering the threat, the Erik and his friends went to ask help from the penguins of the Adelie Land. Bundles of fish were delivered to the penguins trapped in the below the iceberg. When Erik was delivering food to his mother, Gloria, Mumble told Erik that no one would be able to escape and survive. Humans saw the penguins trapped, but when they were about to help, a huge blizzard came by them and so they retreated. Erik could not accept what his father just said so he went to search for solutions. Because of his determination, he went to see his elephant seal friends to ask for help. But when they were hesitant to give their help, Erik beseeched in front of them and sincerely asked for everyone`s help. Fortunately, Erik succeeded in convincing the elephant seals.

When they arrived in the Emperor Land (my favourite part in the movie), Mumble and Erik did a tap dance so the large ice would weaken and break into pieces. Each and everyone cooperated and followed Mumble, Erik and his friends who were on the top of the iceberg tap dancing. The non-penguins did the same. The elephant seals smashed the ice and followed the penguins on the beat.

Thankfully, the iceberg broke down and penguins were able to climb out of the fissure and went to their families.

Not only because it has a cute storyline, has the movie also given us moral values that we can use in our everyday lives.  Also, inspiring lines said by the main characters caught me up. :)

"If you want it, you must will it. If you will it, it will be yours."
"When things go wrong, running is not the answer."
"There's always  way."
Erik: "But there's a lot of dangers out there."
Gloria (Erik's mom): "Not dangers. But challengers."

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