Sunday, July 15, 2012

#3 The Unforgettable Day

The story entitled "The Sweet Unforgettable Day" tells about the woman who had a creepy yet an amazing experience about her dead mom. In the story, the writer merely described the feelings and emotions of the main character in her sweet unforgettable day. For me, it was a sweet unforgettable day. How can it be sweet when it was all creepy? -__-

Surely, the woman misses her mom so much because only a year had passed since the death of her mother. The thought that her mother is dead is still fresh in her mind and heart that the pain she felt is still there and not yet healed (may be healed, but not completely). It may be the reason why she felt that her mom was there with the strong scent of the perfume. She still can`t accept the fact that her mom is already gone and she can`t move on with that (not yet). She just can`t get over it. 

The pain may give you trauma or a shock that MAY lead you to hallucinations. Because of the good memories you had with a loved one who just died, you might be imagining of occasions or situations wherein you are smiling with a loved one beside you or simply hallucinating about your mom being there inside the room with you.

Communicating with the dead? For me, it depends on the person. He may believe it because he was able to experience the same thing and he was aware of it. Without forcing himself to engage in that kind of situation, he happens to be there, communicating or feeling the presence of the dead. It may be also because we believe in souls or spirits. On the other hand, he may not believe it because he didn`t have any experience at all and/or he didn`t want to experience anything at all. Some people say that if you`re really willing to experience something like that, someday, you will experience that something also.

The author may have delivered or wrote the story in a more exaggerated way.

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