Monday, July 23, 2012

#4 Dreams

I was already in high school when I discovered what course I really want to take up in college. But it doesn't mean that I don't have any goals in life when I was still in grade school. It`s just that I don't have clues yet of what I want to be when I grow up. I simply asked my parents on what job can I possibly get in the future. As far as I remember, when autographs were still popular in our grade school days, I sometimes wrote "I want to be a physicist." (even though I am not into physics) in the ambitions part. I`m not even aware of what a physicist is, only that they like and do a lot of physics. As what I have said, I only got that from my parents (especially from my father who likes math and physics).

But things have changed when I entered high school. Before enrolling, we were already told that we need to get a course that is science-related and as long as it is in the DOST course list (our school is under the DOST). I didn't think much about it because I was just about to enter the school. In school, I learned a lot of interesting subjects. By studying those subjects, I came to realize and told myself "Ah, I want to be like this and like that."

In my third year in high school, two of my subjects were about Biology. I like the subject even though there`s a lot of memorization and because I was inspired by our biology teacher. As a result, I wanted to be a biologist or a doctor. A doctor who takes good care of kids. Yes, a pediatrician. It's because I love kids, especially those who behave well when I`m around. I find them cute and fluffy. They always lighten up my day. I want to see them grow up well. But this dream started to become blurry when I found out that I don`t like blood injections. I can always feel  pain every time I can see a syringe full of blood. Because of that, I decided to appreciate subjects other than Biology.

In my last year in high school, we were oriented about some of the courses offered by DOST. Metallurgical Eng`g, Mining Eng`g, Materials Eng`g, Chemical Eng`g, and Food Technology were some of the courses discussed in the orientation. I got hooked up with Chemical Eng`g. They told us about the different jobs we could get after finishing the course. I must say that they were able to convince me to take the course. Also because, I love Chemistry (inspired by our Chem teacher). My mind was focused on that course. This was the final course that I confirmed in MSU-IIT.

Unfortunately, things went wrong during our enrollment day. I was not able to enroll in Chem Eng`g because of the limited slots. Instead, I enrolled in Electronics and Communication Eng`g, and hopefully, I can shift to Chem Eng`g on the next semester.

Taking an engineering course does not mean I already gave up my Med dreams. I am still in the process of getting rid of this fear of blood and needles (trypanophobia). Hopefully, after finishing Chem Eng`g, I`ll be getting Biology subjects so that I can proceed to Med.

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